Monday 23 March 2015

Final Minor & Final Major Self Evalution etc.

Final Minor


(My skills and abilities in how I work)
(Media/techniques that are/have been successful)

I am very positive when it comes to independent working.
I am very motivated and focused when engaged in a task.
I like organising the group in a group task with my leadership skills and confidence.


They all have been successful in my work so far.

Opportunities and Weaknesses

(How could I improve or develop)
(Media/techniques you would like to explore add, introduce)


I could improve by improving my organisation and using my time wisely. Also I would like to introduce more photography over a wide range of aspects.


(Things that aren't so good)
(Media/techniques that aren' so good and could be improved and how?)

Presentation in my sketchbook.
Annotation  -following guideline sheets

Final Major


(subject matter, imagery and ideas that are successful)

Secondary resources
Primary resources
Double exposure
Artist research within my bird theme

(Media/techniques that are/have been successful)

Photoshop, bird samples
Traditional and digital photography at the Raptor Centre.
Drawings (fineliner, water, watercolour, ink, wash)
Merging human portraiture with birds.


(where I could go with my idea, subject matter, imagery I could continue to explore, add or introduce.)

Double exposure artists such as:
 Yaser Almajed
Michael Bryant
Dan Mountford
Andre De Freitas 
Michel Assaad

Also I have planned to look at: 
Alison Fennell (Watercolour Artist)
Michael Muller (Photographer
Nicol Vizoli (Photographer)
And Jen Mann (Painter)

All these artists have inspired me a little bit more to complete something different for my final outcome.

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