Friday 6 March 2015

Primary and Secondary Resources

Secondary Resources

These photographs are mainly from Pinterest, it's one of the best websites known to man. I managed to find all my inspiration on this website. The detail of all of the photographs is amazing. 
Every photograph on this page links perfectly with my Final Major project because I have focussed on birds a lot recently. The first three photographs I really like because they show great detail and show a very good contrast between light and dark. The Barn Owl on the left is my favourite. This is because it shows the differences between light and dark and also it shows great detail. Also I like the one below of the Tawny Owl. This is because it's quite a dramatic photograph, because the photograph is only of half the face. If the photograph was the whole face the Owl would have a softer emotion. 
Also I like the detail within the photo of the feathers and the different colours indicate different moods that the bird may be feeling. 

I like this photography because its very different and interesting. It links perfectly with my project because I'm mainly focusing on double exposure and birds. I like the way there is a different photograph on the silhouette of the bird. That's the same as the bottom photograph too, again I like the picture on the inside of the owl. They are very interesting and I'm hoping to use the inspiration from these on my final piece on the front cover of Love Magazine.

Primary Resources

These photographs are my own. 
In my photographs I tried to show the contrast between light and dark, also I like how the all the colours work well with each other. The eyes on all photographs draw the viewer in, also they give each bird a different personality. Without them they would look the same. For example, the Barn Owl is very soft eyed and looks very sad, compared to the Turkmanian Eagle Owl looks very angry and ready to attack it's prey.

This photograph below is particularly my favourite, I really like it because the colours stand out very well and the Tawny is so sweet looking, and again very soft-eyed which makes the bird look to have a nice personality because it's so small and sweet.

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