Friday 17 April 2015

Statement of Intent (Final Major)

Final Major

The media I have been using is photography, paint, photoshop and digital. I have been looking at birds, mainly owls. This is also carried on from another project called Lens Based Image Making, which is Unit 33, I have been to the Raptor Centre in St Ives and taken many photographs of all the birds there. Also I made sure I zoomed right in to get beautiful close ups to complete my final pieces for this project.

I have looked at artists such as Alison Fennell who is a water colour artist. I have painted a few of my photographs in the style of her work. I have really enjoyed looking into her work with great detail and using similar media to her. I like the way she uses speckled effects after she's finished the piece so I tried to incorporate that into my own work. Another artist I have looked at is called Charlotte Caron. Now Charlotte Caron uses a much different approach to Alison and I like it because she paints her piece and then uses her expressive marks to complete it. Another couple of artists I have looked at is Nicoli Vizoli, Jenn Mann and Michael Muller. 

I really liked Nicoli Vizoli's photography work, especially the natural figures holding the owls. I feel like the photography had a lot of meaning behind it, however in contrast to that I looked at another artist who is based around photography and her name is Jenn Mann. The reasons for liking this artist is because she makes all her work so bright and beautiful. It catches the viewers eye and draws you in completely. Michael Muller work is very eye catching also. The reasons behind liking this artist is because his photography is amazing!! I genuinely have never seen anything like it before. His work is astonishing because he really focuses on the main features of humans face. I also like his style because he incorporates different lighting to create a different atmosphere and mood. I really liked looking into Michael's history and all his work. He does many films and has many promotional opportunities. One thing I did like in particular is his close ups in his photography. I am intending to use his style in my work by taking various photographs of human portraiture close ups. 

I intend to use my various skills and abilities learnt this year to complete my final major, final piece. I plan for it to be a series of 3 in the style of Alison Fennell, Charlotte Caron, Michael Muller. Reasons for the combination of these 3 artists is because I like the way Alison Fennell's work is set out, majority of her work is very petite but when she is finished with it, she creates a speckled effect which I have already mentioned before, over her work this works well because it gets rid of the neatness of the painting once it's finished. Another reason why I'm combining all 3 artists is because Charlotte Caron's work is very painterly. This is good because it's helped me discover another range of painting, and also helped me express my painting digitally working in photoshop. I like it because it's not perfect, it's very messy but it's all for effect and I personally think it works really well. The last reason I am combining all 3 artists is because of Michael Muller, he has inspired me to take close up photographs of human portraiture which has enabled me the chance to create a front cover of LOVE magazine combing all 3 artists, with my own photographs and my own style. 

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