Friday, 29 August 2014

Final Minor Research

Sally Mann is an American photographer and she is best known for her larger scale black and white photography. She was born in 1951 on the 1st of may.
I’ve looked at Sally Mann’s photography work. Her strongest work in my opinion are her black and white portraits. The reason I think they are strong is because the photograph has a story no matter who or what is in it.
The picture to the far right shows deep meaning within the photograph. Personally it seems to look like this is a poor family and they cannot afford much.


Sebastiao Salgado was born on the 8th of February 1944. He was born in Aimores, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
When i looked at Salgado’s work i really enjoyed looking through his work. I realised his work was mostly to do with tribal groups from Africa.
Sebastiao used to have a job as an economist and ended up abandoning it to become a photographer in 1973. He started travelling to Africa within his job as an economist which is where he became serious about photography itself.

I like Sebastiao’s work because it’s unique and different. He bases alot of his photographs around the theme of black and white and his theme doesn’t change. He travelled to 100 different countries taking photographs for different projects, most of these have been presented in books such as ‘other americans’
The picture below is one of the pictures I liked of Salgado’s
in particular, the reason for this is because it’s not something
you see everyday and it’s very interesting because of the type of
people they are, what they are wearing etc.  

Rankin launched a fashion magazine in 2000 called ‘Rank.’ His full name is John Rankin Waddell also known as Rankin and he’s an english fashion photographer.
Rankin was born in Glasgow in scotland in 1966. His work reminds me of the music artist Lady Gaga. Reasons for this is because he makes his work very colourful and also makes it stand out from the rest.
The photograph in the left hand bottom corner is one of my favourite photographs of Rankin’s. This is because it’s so vibrant, it’s quite a simple portrait but it speaks alot to the viewer.
The photo on the right i really like aswell, again it’s quite plain and simple but it has lots of detail and effect within the photograph itself.
I think I would like to base my final
minor project on this artist, because his
work is so bright and luminous but also has deep meaning behind the photos.

Out of all the artist’s I looked at the two that appealed to me most was Sally Mann and John Rankin Waddell. Both interest me in different ways. I like Sally Mann’s work because she has a vulnerability about her work. I think she pursues this well by using children as her models. I also however like John Rankin Waddell’s work because it’s very vibrant, but also plain and simple. The portrait is simple but the make-up speaks louder when you look at it. I think Rankin uses this effect of the make-up well because if it wasn’t there, I don’t think it would be as interesting.
Another thing I like about them both is that Sally Mann’s photography has a completely different feel to Rankin’s. The models in Sally’s photography look unwell and poor whereas Rankin’s models look quite wealthy, and they look like they can afford all the nice make-up on their face etc.
I also think that if I could combine the two into my final minor project I would be able to make it work. I’d most probably use a child model take photographs of them in black and white then add the make-up onto them that shouts 1000 words to the viewer.
I am happy with the artists I have looked at and I definitely think that Rankin is my favourite. That’s if I had to pick one, other than that they are both my favourites.

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