Sunday, 3 August 2014

Inspiration from ndad leavers of 2014

My main inspiration from the former NDAD Year 2's was a student called Amiee Hadder. 

She is 18 and a practising photographer who is going to Stafford university in the autumn term to boost her portfolio even more. 

Pretty much all of Amiee's work was photography, that's why I see her as an inspiration. She was not only my friend but she was an amazing artist. All of her outcomes were just as good as one another and this year, I want to try and follow in her footsteps to try and make my photography up to Miss Hadder's standards. 

I visited Amiee's art show, which was where all the work that all the year 2 students had done and worked hard on. And I have to admit it all looked amazing! This proves to us as a class going in to year 2 that hard work does pay off because it was a pleasure to look at all of it.

I sat in front of Miss Hadder's work and I was just amazed and astonished about how she did certain things. I didn't really have a favourite piece of her's, but one piece I did particularly pick up on was the landscape on the far right hand side. This was because that picture had been taken right outside the college itself. It's amazing how you can take something so simple and turn it into something meaningful. 

The year 2's theme was decay and I definitely think amiee pursued it in her own way. 

I liked how Aimee used props that she had made to show and present the theme of decay and I think that she worked so well within the course. Not only are these photographs pretty they are meaningful and look as if they have a story behind them. These 3 pictures she had used 3 different models for each one and they are meant to look the same but somehow they look so different.

Aimee has mentioned that she is proud and pleased of her outcomes overall. She favours her 'Vogue' double page out of all them because she enjoyed spending quality time with her friends whilst being hard at work with the shoot. With the 'Vogue' shoot Aimee enjoyed spending the time choosing each individual outfit and theme for the different fashion eras and then taking her time to write her very own article for the 1960s.

She also mentioned to meet what she would do better if she could correct anything. She said her main priority to change would be her final piece because she would of liked to 'push the boundaries a bit more and get out of her comfort zone and do something which isn't her usual experimental photography.
I hope I can live up to Aimee Hadder's standards because her work is just amazing! Looking through her sketchbooks has given me plenty of ideas and surprises throughout year 2.

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