Sunday, 3 August 2014

Norwich University Of the Arts Degree Show

Now, Norwich was my favourite university that we have visited. It had so much variety of photography, animation, illustration, etc. 
I enjoyed getting out of Cambridge and visiting somewhere far away. I want a change of scenery if I do go to uni, it'll do me good.

Norwich was a better university than Anglia Ruskin by far, it had much more variety within all the subjects there, and wasn't based in one part of the uni, it was all over the site. 

The photography was amazing at NUA. The students all had one topic/theme/subject and they had to base their photography on that, but throughout the whole course of students, their was so much variety and different outcomes.

One of my favourite outcomes that I saw was this one below.
I liked this one in particular because I like the other side to a teenagers life. The street-life kind of aspect to certain people. I like the urbanness of it all

The photogrpahy course was my main priority to look at whilst visiting Norwich. I think majority of the outcomes were amazing so I decided to take a panorama of some of them. 

There were so many different outcomes and I enjoyed looking at all of them. They all have a different feel to them. The students their who spoke about their work said "we all had one theme to focus on and then we could present the theme in any way we liked". 
I personally think that the urban cultured photography was the best one. The photographer was a student called 'Riya Chohan' I enjoyed looking at her pieces of work because she gave off a urban feel of society through her photographs. She mentioned in her explanation that she aims to set her appreciation of fashion alongside elements of simplicity and personality. Riya also mentioned that 'this selection focuses on adolescent culture with an urban setting.' Which makes me think she is trying to put a point across about society itself. She also mentioned that the photographs have 'atmospheric realism'. These pictures were very interesting to look at, I probably spent majority of the time looking at these pictures, they are amazing outcomes and I hope to pursue and be just as good in the near future.

Another thing which caught my eye other than photography is a course called 'Graphic Communication'. Here's a video below of which I took of someone else's video that caught my eye.

I liked this video again because it shows adolescent urban culture and what majority of teens get up to nowadays. I think this course is definitely an option because it's showing viewers different ways of communicating. I enjoyed watching this video that much I went back several times because I was astonished about how cool it was and how it showed a message to the viewer in which case was me. 

I definitely would be interested in this course and I'm keeping my options open to this and photography. 

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