Saturday 24 January 2015

Multidisciplinary (DADA)

Dada was active from 1915 to 1923 in Germany, France, New York and many other places in Europe.
A reaction against the values that led up to world war and the decadent culture of that time. Very diverse outcomes, and arising from chance and shock tactics. 'Dada is a state of mind' -Andre Breton.

Dada artists:

Max Ernst
Francis Picabia
Man Ray 
Raoul Hausmann
Marcel Duchamps
Jean Arp 
Kurt Schwitters 
Hannah Hoch

Hausmann- Tatlin at Home 1920

Accidental imagery, often political and anti-war. 'a man who had only machines in his head' Hausmann was an early collage artist. 

Duchamps - Fountain 1917

Duchamps called this art and told his viewers it was art because he said so. It was already made and the fountain is a urinal. 

Hoch -Da-dandy 1919

This piece is a collage and a photomontage, it's also less aggressive, more whimsical than Hausmann and she tended to focus on feminist issues. 

This is my favourite because it is less aggressive and it's quite calming. Also it's focussed on feminist issues and their rights. This is good because women didn't get a lot of rights back then.

Man Ray - Coat Stand 1920

This piece is inventive and the use of objects work well together, Man ray was interested in new techniques and processes. He also particularly explored photography. 

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