Friday 23 January 2015

Multidisciplinary: Symbolism


Symbolist painters turned inward of the world unconscious and the archetype. Colours and visuals emblems were used for their associative value

                  Vincent Van Gogh 'The Sower' 1888

Often regarded as an early symbolist due to his symbolic use of colour. Blue and yellow were frequently used by Van Gogh to represent the idea of 'heaven', 'infinity', 'the eternal'. For him they were very spiritual colours, symbolising the happiness that the human race was always striving for. The sun is enlarged and acts as a halo over peasants head. 

Paul Gaugin 'Where do we come from? What are we? where are we going' 1897

Designed to be read from right to left: The women with a child symbolises joy in living. The man is picking fruit from the Tree Of Knowledge. The idol represents man's search for the unknown and the old man symbolises old age and death.
Journey through someone's life. All ages, both sexes. Similar colour pallet to Van Gogh.
Struggle through existence.

Gustave Moreau 'Tattooed Salome' 1876

Exemplified symbolist view of women, the painting seems evil yet innocent, it's also quite exotic and sensual. The painting shows the woman in it quite alluring yet dangerous. It's a paradox and obviously characters from a biblical story. 

Jan Thorn Prikker 'The Bride' 1892-93

This painting shows christian symbols. It's also semi-abstract. The painting is very flat and we know that it's influenced by Art Nouveau. There's many phallic symbols within this piece and we can sense a lot of innocence and virginty within the piece.

Jean Delville 'The Love Of Souls' 1900

The picture shows two self-absorbed figures, the piece is also showing an expressing idea rather than event. It also makes the viewer sense an erotic fantasy and a metaphor for the human condition.

Odilon Redon 'Ophelia' 1905

The piece shows flowers and the natural world. It's also dream-like and the illustration of a Shakespeare subject. This Shakespeare play is called Hamlet and it's also very unusual and original.

Gustav Klimt 'Danae' 1907-08

The painting shows a figure, with abstract patterns. It shows an erotic self-absorption. The piece is linked into Art Nouveau in the use of flowing lines. The human condition shows, birth, marriage, sex and death. The painting is also a depiction of a Greek myth.

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