Friday 17 April 2015

Alison Fennell (Final Major)

Alison Fennell is a Welsh artist, specialising in watercolour paintings of animals. Currently Alison paints for her own web gallery. Alison's work has been featured in many UK home decor magazines over the last 4 years. she graduated with a BSC in modern languages in French in 1988 from Aston University Birmingham. Her interest in painting began in 1994 and since then has had work selected by jury to the Young Wales IV exhibition by the late Sir Kyffin Williams R.A at the Royal Cambrian Academy in North Wales in 2001 as well as several other Welsh exhibitions.

This is my first sample I have done in the style of Alison Fennell, I really enjoyed painting in water colour on different grounds. I tried to include as much texture as possible. I also like the way i've added different colours into it, to complete this part of the owls face. The only thing I don't like is the use of black lines within the piece. The reasons for this is because I planned to use the colours subtly but I feel that the heavy black lines ruin the piece a little bit. However I still like it, and I am happy with it. 
This photograph was image I worked from to create my sample, In the style of Alison Fennell. This image was taken at the Raptor Centre in Woodhurst. I like this photo because its so close and detailed on the birds feathers. I also liked copying from this photo because I made sure I added lots of light and dark contrasted brush strokes in it because it's similar in the photograph too.

This is another one of my studies, I used the photograph below the sample to help me create great texture and detail. I used a small brush to complete this study and I personally think it worked really well on the parcel paper.

The only thing I would change about my sample is I would look more closely on the detail on the beak itself, other wise I think I did a good job painting in the style of Alison Fennell and I would definitely like to look closer into her work.

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