Thursday 8 January 2015

Long and Thins (Final Minor)

These are my Long and Thins. I used a variety of media to create all three of them and they are all from observation. 

For example the drawing below is from observation of the picture I took above. I took this picture using an app called 'slow camera' and it helped me create a sense of movement in my photographs.

Above is my first Long and Thin. I used quink ink and bleach and drawing ink. To start off with I used quink ink to cover the whole sheet of paper. Then once it was dry I used drawing ink with a bamboo stick and I drew the outline of the photograph I was drawing from. Then I started bleaching the highlights of the drawing and then the dark bits that were left and weren't bleached were the shadows in the picture. You can see the resemblance of the drawing compared to the photograph. I enjoyed doing this technique but if I were to do it again I wouldn't of rushed it as much and I would of taken my time with the bleach especially because as the viewer of the drawing now I find it has become very messy. Overall I do like it because you can distinguish what it is and you can see where the highlights are and where the shadows are.

Above is my second Long and Thin I did and below is the picture it was drawn from observation. I first collaged the whole sheet of paper in the colours similar colours to the picture I was observing whilst doing it. I then used a small piece of mount card to apply emulsion onto the surface. I used it to scrap the emulsion down the page. In some places there were more white then any other colour. So I used quite a lot of emulsion, I then used a graphite stick to create lines and different marks to show the resemblance of it to the photograph. I also used coffee in the long and thin and procien dyes to lighten the colours. I like this because it was fun to do and I enjoyed using the graphite stick to create lots of different lines and marks to show the viewer what it is. If I was to do it again I would pick a different picture, I think I made it to easy for myself and I probably would pick a picture with lots of different colours in. 

Below is my final Long and Thin, I observed one of my pictures I took of the waves when I went on holiday. The picture below is the picture I copied the colours and the texture and tonal qualities from. 

This is it. This Long and Thin is my favourite and I feel that I captured a sense of movement in the drawing too. 

I used a range of different media to create this drawing. I first started with soaking the whole page in coffee and once that had dried I used drawing ink to create the shadows and then I put emulsion on top to create a range of highlights. Also I used the mountcard to create the texture of the waves too. I noticed that in the picture the waves look foamy so I tried to recreate it in my own drawing. Like I said before this was my favourite because the technique was the most effective and I think it was the best outcome of all of them. 

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