Wednesday 6 May 2015

Evaluation (Final Major)

For my Final Major project, I've mainly focused on human portraiture and Owl portraiture. This is because I was amazingly inspired by the Raptor Centre. I have looked at artists such as Michael Muller who mainly focuses on portraiture and face on photography. Also I have looked at artists like Charlotte Caron and Alison Fennell. Both these artists are paint artists and I did a few samples which I am proud of in the style of these both. My final idea came to me when I looked at both Charlotte and Michael. I wanted to combine both techniques and create something extraordinary. So I decided to use my photographic skills and take photos of a few of my class mates face on to complete the process. 

I used 2 different people to complete my finals. The first person I took a picture of was a girl. As the photographer I wanted her to look straight at the camera but look in to space. This is so I could capture her emotion in the photograph. I did the same again with the boy. I took a few photographs of each of them and made sure it had a natural human background. This is because I wanted to show contrast between wildlife and people. I began editing the photographs on photoshop. I scanned in my own drawings and paintings to create the beautiful texture on there faces. This made their skin look like feathers. I also used some overlay tools to make it blend in and look more natural. I think this technique has worked really well. I then used the same picture again but only edited it ever so slightly so you can see the differences between both edited and unedited pieces. I like the way I did this because when I mounted them up you can see the developmental process. 

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